We are prominent in offering real-time training on Salesforce CRM and all other models of CRM on different technologies. We specialize in a wide range of IT-related courses.

Career Building Program

Get Expert Solution for Professional IT Career in Software industry.

Are you ready to take the leap to the working world?

We help you identify career paths that match your skills, create your professional online profile, navigate the job application process, and most importantly, network.

How does a training institute truly pave the way to advance your career? We at YGTC can explain.

Be Yodha GTC's Career Program help you pinpoint your career, plan your career and enjoy your career!

Career Building Program is designed for students, who are looking for a dream job. Students receive expert training and adequate exposure to industry trends so that they transition into real-time with ease.
Students are provided with the opportunity to work with our experienced technical staff and gain hands-on experience on the real-time projects.

Yodha Global Training Center provides placement assistance for the following career opportunities:

  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • App Development, and
  • QA Testing
Our Career Building Program is focused on building great leaders – from Leading Self, to Leading Teams, to Leading Leaders.
Ready to advance your career, learn something new, or expand your existing skillset?