We are prominent in offering real-time training on Salesforce CRM and all other models of CRM on different technologies. We specialize in a wide range of IT-related courses.

Let's shape the future of learning

Courses at Yodha Global Training Center are built to be delivered virtually – offering you real time interaction, flexibility and an engaging learning experience.

We aim to empower our students through knowledge.

From finding and booking your course through to attending and completing it, our entire online Classroom experience has been designed to be as efficient, engaging and effective as a traditional face-to-face option. Together with our expert staff, we’ve rebuilt our most popular courses, optimizing them for a live and connected environment.

Our Online training option also offers significantly more flexibility – allowing you to complete your training at a time and place that is most convenient for you. This eliminates unnecessary travel time and costs. All you need is a device (Mobile or laptop) and an internet connection. Hold on! Another most important thing you need is CURIOSITY & INTRESET TO LEARN.

Why choose our Online training?


Our Online training give you the opportunity to interact in real-time with our expert trainers, other delegates or even your own team members – regardless of location. This mainly helps to ensure that your learning experience is consistent and efficient.


Our trainers are specialized to deliver courses virtually and use a wide range of expert techniques to help you make the most of your learning experience. They can share their real-time and expert knowledge, engaging you throughout with group activities and insightful discussions.


All our online courses are designed to help you reach the next level in your career. When you complete your course, you’ll receive a recognized digital certificate from YGTC, which highlights your course achievement.

Yodha Global Training Center Unique Approach for Online Training

Our online training enables you to build your knowledge and skills at a time and place convenient for you. Each session uses interactive exercises, video, and quizzes to ensure you have an engaging experience that is memorable.

You just need to choose how you would like to attend, session to session Whether in person or live online, your experiences can be the same with our online training.

Learn through the same expert trainer, alongside the same classmates, and grow with the same content experience regardless of your location.

“People bring their whole self to work and they take their whole self-home every day."

– Jennifer Yi Boyer, ACT

Get in touch and we'll take you through the next steps.