We are prominent in offering real-time training on Salesforce CRM and all other models of CRM on different technologies. We specialize in a wide range of IT-related courses.


About Us

Who We Are?

Yodha Global Training Center has been founded by a team of highly qualified professionals with an excelled expertise in varied technological domains as a global center for trainings and placements with a vision to outstandingly contribute in the areas of technology, software trainings and advancement.
We believe in in-depth perfection in whatever we do and we strive to bring it alive through our Yodha Global Training Center.

The moment you step into Yodha Gtc  you would be greeted with the feeling of being at the right place to fulfill your dream career. Along with that, Yodha Global Training Center affords you with a sense of certainty of a successful and rewarding career that would be driven by boundless growth opportunities and exposure to cutting-edge technologies and learning possibilities. Each of these elements goes much deeper than what it conveys at Yodha GTC.

Our Philosophy

We at Yodha Global Technology Center are inspired to fill this huge gap by providing the right kind of people to the industry at the right time.

A lot of research, brainstorming and exceptional inputs from industry experts have gone into designing a unique training methodology for cutting-edge learning. One may feel that the journey of Yodha Global Training Center has just begun but the thought process and its roadmap were laid by the management team for a long time thus enabling the 2 ‘E’s for a better career – Education, and Employability.

Vision and Mision

We at Yodha Global Training Center are guided by expert professionals, after assessing the intelligence, interest, and personality of an individual to identify the careers in which the individual will succeed and counsel him/her accordingly. It helps students to select courses based on their level of intelligence, interests, and personality and to prepare for appropriate careers. Our primary purpose is to guide you on how to explore and investigate your inner potential and overcome your weaknesses.


Join YGTC Today for Better Tomorrow

There are 3 kinds of people in this world:

We at Yodha Global Training Center firmly believe in making things happen. We are a “Budding and dynamic” team bubbling with energy, enthusiasm, and a go-getter attitude to make our student’s dreams come true at any cost. We leave no stone unturned to connect recruitment partners for student career opportunities across the globe.